Friday, November 28, 2008

Blonde jokes

After getting shredded by a female reader about my "bleach blonde tresses," I've started following this blog: Undercover Blonde.

Yeah..umm...I'm not apologizing for being blonde. I'm naturally blonde anyway; I just "enhance" my blonde from dark to light.

I went brunette once about 8 years ago. Briefly. It is not who I am.

I HATE blonde jokes. They hurt and cut just as much as other negative humor. Don't believe me? Try substituting "blonde" with an ethnic group such as "African-American" or "Polish" or "Jewish" or "Gay".

Not as funny, is it?

Nope, if the jokes were about anyone else, people would be all up in arms about it. But somehow, it's okay to tear apart blonde women.


Go think about that for a bit and then get back to me.

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