Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Minding my own business, hanging out at my boyfriend's house when the doorbell rings.

*ding dong!*

I open the door. A plump young redhead stands there with a daft smile.

"Hi! I'm earning personality points!"


She's selling magazines. She makes a dumb blonde comment about herself (hello NOT blonde, dumbass!!!), then says, "Whoops! Guess I just blew a sale!"

me: "Yeah. Ya did, sweetheart."

her: "So what do you do for a living?"

me: "I'm a college professor, a newspaper reporter and an entertainment director, all of which require a wicked, bad-assed brain. Or do you need me to talk slower?"

her: "but...but.."

me: "buh-bye."

Jeebus Cripes....Stereotype, much?

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